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Posts by:

Mayar S.Mosaad

In the world of AI, cybersecurity and explainable AI (XAI) are a match made in heaven, since AI is becoming more and more of a critical aspect in security applications., so as to ensure those applications are transparent and accountable. 

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In the AI-Talian Application, we roam with you the hallways of AI in all industries; big and small. Because today, where you most and least expect it, AI is doing wonders.

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The world is changing and so are the products we come across every day. In 2023, we will see a lot of machine learning products that will reshape life as we know it.

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Disclaimer: Before reading, we would like to warn you that one paragraph of this article is written by an AI content generator. Good luck figuring out which is a human effort and which is a child of AI! 

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