LyRise Series: How Artificial Intelligence is Used in Healthcare?
LyGuide Jan 26, 2023 12:00:00 AM LyRise Team 3 min read

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming healthcare in a big way. From nursing care to diagnosis, AI is bringing a new level of personalisation to the industry. In this article, we’ll explore the different ways that AI is used in healthcare and discuss how it’s benefiting patients around the world.
One of the most common uses of AI in healthcare is to automate the process of making diagnoses. Artificial intelligence can be used to detect cancerous tumors and predict heart attacks, but it’s also being used for less serious issues like allergies and skin conditions.
Artificial intelligence programs are not just for technology companies; they are also being implemented by hospitals and clinics all over the world. When it comes to healthcare data analysis, AI systems don't just work with numbers; they also work directly with humans by labeling images and other forms of medical information.
Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare
Are you a patient who has been diagnosed with a rare disease? Do you want your doctor to know everything there is to know about your condition and its treatment? Then, it's time to get excited! Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming healthcare, allowing for more personalised care that can make a big difference for patients.
The healthcare industry has seen the potential of AI since its early days, but only recently have we begun to see how this technology can be used in clinical settings. AI is being used to help with diagnosis and treatment, as well as improving patient safety.
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Industry
Artificial intelligence is a technology that can be used to solve problems. As with any other technology, AI can help with healthcare; it can help with diagnosing diseases and it can also assist in treatment. There are many examples of artificial intelligence being used in the healthcare industry right now and these examples will be explored in this article.
The first example is IBM Watson, which was created by IBM in 2011 as an artificial intelligence system that helps physicians diagnose cancer more effectively than humans can do so (1). The system aims to improve upon existing methods for detecting cancerous lesions on medical images such as X-rays by learning from millions of other patients’ medical records through deep learning techniques (2).
An example from Google DeepMind shows how artificial intelligence has been applied to image recognition tasks related to eye disease diagnosis (3). This project used convolutional neural networks trained on hundreds of thousands of retinal fundus images from patients who had different types of glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration (AMD), two common causes of blindness worldwide.
Artificial Intelligence in Hospital Management System
Artificial intelligence is transforming healthcare, allowing for more personalised care that can make a big difference for patients. The technology is being used to assist doctors in diagnosis and treatment, as well as help them make better decisions about patient treatment.
AI-driven medical devices are already assisting doctors with diagnosis and treatment of certain conditions. For instance, AI-powered imaging software can analyse chest X-rays faster than human radiologists can and identify pneumonia much earlier than humans would be able to, leading to earlier intervention which could save lives. AI algorithms have also been developed to predict the onset of acute kidney injury—which affects millions worldwide—based on data such as blood pressure measurements or changes in glucose levels (a sign of diabetes). This allows doctors to take preemptive action before any symptoms arise by adjusting medication doses or adding extra fluids through IVs early enough so that a person does not suffer any serious complications or become too sick from dehydration caused by excessive vomiting or diarrhoea as often occurs during an episode of food poisoning."
What Are the Benefits of Using AI in Healthcare?
Artificial intelligence has been used in healthcare to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. AI can also help improve the patient experience by reducing wait times and cutting down on paperwork.
- Improved patient outcomes
- Increased efficiency
- Reduced costs
AI is transforming healthcare, allowing for more personalized care that can make a big difference for patients.
You’re a doctor and you have a patient in front of you. You only have time to treat one of them, so who do you choose?
You look at the charts and see that one is a young healthy woman, while another is an elderly man with several chronic conditions and several comorbidities. The third is an elderly woman with similar medical history as the second patient.
Looking at these cases alone might not give any indication as to which one needs more attention — but artificial intelligence (AI) can help doctors make better decisions about patient care, improving efficiency by identifying how much time should be spent on each case based on what stage they are in their treatment cycle.
Artificial intelligence is transforming healthcare, allowing for more personalized care that can make a big difference for patients. While there are still many challenges to overcome before AI can be used in every hospital around the world, it’s clear that we’re moving in that direction.